Hello there

welcome to

We are a modern therapy clinic in Calgary, AB that is passionate about supporting Millennials and Gen Z navigate the human experience. 

The Healing Hive is also proud to be part of Riverwest Therapy Collective, which is a collective of private mental health practitioners working together to promote a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for our clients, clinicians, and community.  

I am so happy you’re here! 

healing together .

healing together .

Healing together.

At The Healing Hive, we envision creating an inclusive community where the human experience is normalized and mental health is less stigmatized. Our mission is to help you connect to yourself and others through healing attachment experiences within the therapeutic relationship. 

Why “The Healing Hive”? 

I am all about healing within relationship and community, hence "The Healing Hive" came to be. Also, you can't go wrong with a fun alliteration!


Individual 18+ Therapy

Everyone’s healing journey is unique to them, and I always do my best to adapt my approach to meet your individual needs. Regardless of your age and stage, my goal is to create a strong therapeutic relationship with you where you feel safe enough to explore whatever is in alignment with your goals.

Individual Adolescent & Teen Therapy

I absolutely love supporting teens to feel empowered to use their innate skills by meeting them where they’re at and providing a trusting, non-judgemental space to be seen and heard.

Therapy Modalities

I’ll customize our approach to your unique situation using a combination of various evidence-based methods and modalities, depending on your needs.

Normal is nothing more than a label imposed by society that fears uniqueness and thrives on conformity.”

-The Myth of Normal, Gabor Maté


The Healing Hive Therapy Co. is committed to offering a safe and inclusive space for you to connect.

We are 2SLGBTQIA+ affirmative and queer allied, neurodiversity affirming, sex and body positive, polyamorous and CNM allied, and dedicated to anti-racist and decolonial practice. You and all aspects of your unique identity are welcome and celebrated here.